ASDSP II Creating Linkages For Innovation Priority Value Chain Actors And Financial Service Providers

ASDSP II Creating Linkages For Innovation Priority Value Chain Actors And Financial Service Providers

Agricultural Sector Development Support Program phase two (ASDSP II) has today held a Linkage meeting for Innovation Priority Value Chain Actors (PVCAs) and Financial Service Providers(FSP). The meeting aimed at encouraging farmers to move from the culture of relying on grants which don’t last long and adapt to borrowing loans from financial and microfinance institutions….

Bolstering OF Local Talent Through The Youth Act and Sports Fund

Bolstering OF Local Talent Through The Youth Act and Sports Fund

The County Government of Vihiga has emerged as a champion in nurturing and supporting local talent through various initiatives such as implementation of the Progressive Youth Act and Sports Fund. These have provided a platform for the youth to showcase their skills and abilities while also empowering them for future success. One shining example of…

“Embrace The Culture Of Saving” Dr. Ottichilo During THe Bodaboda SACCO AGM

“Embrace The Culture Of Saving” Dr. Ottichilo During THe Bodaboda SACCO AGM

π—©π—œπ—›π—œπ—šπ—” 𝗖𝗒𝗨𝗑𝗧𝗬 𝗕𝗒𝗗𝗔𝗕𝗒𝗗𝗔 𝗦𝗔𝗖𝗖𝗒 π—”π—šπ—  Vihiga County Bodaboda SACCO (VICBOSA) was registered in January 2021 and derives its membership from all the 5 sub-counties of Vihiga. The SACCO Membership number has grown from 370 to 770 and their Loan portfolio now stands at Kshs. 5 million. π—§π—²π—°π—΅π—»π—Όπ—Ήπ—Όπ—΄π˜† The SACCO has embraced digitization and has committed…

Dr. Ottichilo Meets Vihiga Trade and Enterprise Board in a bid to Streamline Its Operations

Dr. Ottichilo Meets Vihiga Trade and Enterprise Board in a bid to Streamline Its Operations

Vihiga governor H.E Dr. Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo held talks with The Vihiga Enterprise Fund Board to establish a conducive management that will enable Vihiga traders to access subsidized loans in a bid to boost the County’s economic status. Through Commerce Tourism and Cooperatives department, The discussion revolved around partnership engagement with financial institutions that will…

Ottichilo Moves to Boost Digitization in Revenue Management, Signs MoU with Safaricom

Ottichilo Moves to Boost Digitization in Revenue Management, Signs MoU with Safaricom

County Government of Vihiga has taken a significant step towards digital transformation following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Safaricom Private Limited Company (PLC). Held on 23/05/2023 at the County headquarters boardroom, the event was presided over by Governor Wilber Ottichilo alongside his Deputy Governor Wilberforce Kitiezo, representatives from Safaricom and officers…

KNCCI National President Richard Ngatia Pays Governor Ottichilo a Courtesy Call

KNCCI National President Richard Ngatia Pays Governor Ottichilo a Courtesy Call

The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry – KNCCI National President Richard Ngatia today morning paid a courtesy call to Governor Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo where they discussed various issues amongst them Chamber of Commerce affairs in Vihiga. Dr. Ottichilo noted that his office enjoys a good working relationship with KNCCI Vihiga chapter led by…

Conserve the Environment; Ottichilo as he Trains Ward Climate Change Committee Champions

Conserve the Environment; Ottichilo as he Trains Ward Climate Change Committee Champions

May 12, 2023 The County Government of Vihiga enacted the Climate Change Fund Act, 2019 (Amended in 2021) to facilitate the flow of climate finances and coordinate the implementation of climate action at ward and county levels. Anchored by the Act, Ward Climate Change Planning Committees (WCCPCs) are established to facilitate community participation in climate…

Governor Ottichilo Assents to The Appropriation Bill 2022/2023 Fiscal Year

Governor Ottichilo Assents to The Appropriation Bill 2022/2023 Fiscal Year

Vihiga county governor Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo on 10th May 2023 assented to the Appropriation Bill 2022/2023 Fiscal Year of the Second Supplementary Budget in an event held at the county headquarters and witnessed by the Vihiga county assembly leadership led by the speaker Hon. Christopher Omulele CBS. Speaking during the exercise, Dr. Ottichilo said that…

Vihiga Leads In Climate Change Action As The World Marks Water Day

Vihiga Leads In Climate Change Action As The World Marks Water Day

As the world commemorated ‘World Water Day 2023’ today, Vihiga Governor Dr. Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo alongside the deputyΒ  governor H.E. Wilberforce KitiezoΒ  led residents in celebrating this important day by commissioning Gaga Water Project in Gisambai ward, Hamisi Sub-county Dr. Ottichilo reiterated his commitment to making sure that every household in Vihiga gets access to…

Entrepreneurial Development of the Dairy Value Chain In Vihiga

Entrepreneurial Development of the Dairy Value Chain In Vihiga

Governor Wilber Ottichilo has taken a meeting with Mr. Georg Strunden – from BENGO and Mr. Guido Reuter – Senior Policy Officer Bundesministerium fΓΌr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) (Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)) accompanied by Welthungerhilfe and Vihiga Dairy Farmers Cooperative Cooperative Society leadership. BMZ is currently funding a Project on…