Entrepreneurial Development of the Dairy Value Chain In Vihiga
Governor Wilber Ottichilo has taken a meeting with Mr. Georg Strunden – from BENGO and Mr. Guido Reuter – Senior Policy Officer Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) (Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)) accompanied by Welthungerhilfe and Vihiga Dairy Farmers Cooperative Cooperative Society leadership.
BMZ is currently funding a Project on Entrepreneurial Development of the Dairy Value Chain and Support to Women and Youth Employment in Western Kenya (Vihiga County); through Welthungerhilfe, with Vihiga Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society Limited as the collaboration partner.
The project aims at reducing poverty and improving the livelihoods of poor rural households in Vihiga County who depend substantially on the production and trade of dairy products for their livelihoods by the year 2023
The initiative that has been in place since 2019 targets
- 2,500 smallholder dairy farmers
- 4 dairy cooperatives
- 500 youth
- 180 dairy entrepreneurs
Key Result Areas
- ️ Result 1 – Increased production, productivity, and efficiency of smallholder dairy farming
- Result 2 – Improved access to information, innovation, knowledge, and skills by women and youth
- Result 3 – Financial access and market linkages of small-scale milk producers, traders, and processors improved
- Result 4 – Increased Knowledge Sharing, stakeholder dialogue, and learning