Dr. Ottichilo Presides Over The Launch of Hamisi Hospital Strategic Plan in Bid To Upgrade to Level 4

Governor Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo has reiterated his commitment towards the health sector in Vihiga through allocation of more resources to make sure that health services are affordable, available and accessible.

Dr. Ottichilo said this while presiding over the launch of Hamisi Sub-County Hospital First Strategic Plan, End year party and Award giving ceremony at the hospital grounds in Hamisi Sub County.

The County Boss appreciated the hospital’s management for the vision they have for the facility which is enshrined in the Hamisi Sub County Hospital Strategic Plan 2024-2028.
The strategic plan reflects the need to continue providing high quality safe and effective services.

He also assured the Hamisi Sub County management that his administration will work with development partners and also budget resources to enable them achieve what has been outlined in the strategic plan. He added that the hospital will soon get 120 bed capacity ward, maternity Ward and soon operationalize the theater to enhance healthcare services.

Governor Ottichilo applauded the teamwork and unity demonstrated by healthcare workers at Hamisi Sub County Hospital that has seen great transformation at the facility challenging other healthcare workers to emulate the same.

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